Pest Control and Lawn Care Leads are Going Mobile. Are You?

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Customer search is changing.

Do you remember the days of Yellowpage advertising? What a simple and effective marketing method! All you had to do was purchase your ad, wait for the distribution of the new book and then watch the phones light up with prospects for your services.

About 7 years ago all of that changed. Consumers dumped the phone book for a more convenient and accurate information source that included additional insightful data, such as reviews and ratings, that traditional Yellowpages simply could not provide. This is a story that all of us know, so why does it bear retelling?

Your customer's behavior is changing yet again and in the lawn care and pest control industries, it is important that you keep up!

Say hello to your new customer.

As a service provider one of the things that you absolutely must be excellent at is marketing. In fact, if you are going to be very successful in any service business the keystone of your strategy lies in your ability to get in front of the right customers, at the the right time. In the pest control and lawn care industries, it is especially important that customers can find you when they are ready to purchase your services.

So where do the most motivated customers find you? The web of course! Today, a simple website is not enough and if you are not ready, you may find yourself in another “yellowpages” situation. More and more potential customers are looking for your services on mobile devices, and your site must be optimized so they can find you on any phone or tablet.

Recently, Comscore released a study that found the following:

  • The largest growth sector of internet traffic is happening in the mobile market.
  • There is a very high likelihood that mobile traffic will overtake desktop traffic.

Need proof? Look at 2013 Black Friday Mobile stats

Think that mobile is overdone and overblown? If you look at the following graph, there are a couple of key points you should take note of:

  1. There is a 68% increase in mobile usage as compared to last year.
  2. Apps saw a 70% increase in usage during black Friday weekend as compared to last year.

What does that mean for the Pest Control and Lawn Care Service industries?

Consumers are not only using their mobile devices more, they are using them to find and purchase products and services.

Just like when the internet first began to overtake the Yellowpages, mobile search is now overtaking traditional web searches.

Currently, there is a window of opportunity to edge out the competition. Most pest control and lawn care companies are completely ignoring the mobile consumer and that means that you can align your marketing to capture these users.

This is not an easy task and winning on mobile requires a lot of time and energy. Fortunately, there are experts who can help so you don't have to go it alone.

If you have not already, now is the time to develop a mobile-friendly website that targets these consumers and attracts them through local search. It is also crucial to develop a mobile advertising campaign that is geared specifically towards the mobile consumer in your area. Don't forget to include a strong call to action on your mobile site, just like the one to the left.

Mobile optimization and local search can be a game changer for your business. Call us to learn how Digital Marketing can benefit your site!

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