Attracting the Best Candidates


With spring finally here and the summer months right around the corner, the busy season is quickly ramping up to full speed. In a perfect world, you already have a flawless team of technicians and will be able to finish out the year without any hitches. Unfortunately, things rarely play out exactly as planned. Whether you need to add some technicians to keep up with new business or due to unexpected resignation, it is important to make sure that you are hiring the right people.

In order to know how to find the right people, it is important to understand how the workforce has changed in recent years.

  • Millennials - Like it or not, millennials are now the majority generation in the American workforce. An important thing to keep in mind is that most millennials care about having a purpose in their work just as much, if not more so, than the paycheck. We actually have an entire blog dedicated to recruiting millennials if you need any extra tips.
  • Work/Life Balance - Whether it is having flexible hours or a more open interpretation of how to get their work done, people are looking for a job that easily co-exists with their personal life.
  • Technology-Driven - Living in the digital age, it is no surprise that the younger generations want to use technology in the workplace. It is usually something that they can pick up on quickly and allows them to do their job more efficiently.
  • Benefits - In a job market that is very competitive, having some perks, such as retirement plans, health insurance and vacation time, can make it an easy choice for job-hunters to pick one employer over another. Employees are no longer worried about being “job hoppy” and are willing to leave if they find a better opportunity. Our friends over at PCO Bookkeepers has some GREAT advice on retirement plans and incorporating good benefits into your budget. 



Now that you know a little more about what job-hunters are looking for, how do you attract them to your home-service business? 

  1. Careers Page - Adding a careers page on your website, in a visible place, will do wonders for attracting qualified candidates. This is where you will post current job openings, highlight your employee benefits and entice people to apply. It gives job-hunters a place to go to find out everything they want to know about working at your respective business.
  2. Job Boards - Posting open positions on job-boards is the best way to let talented applicants know about your openings. Indeed, Ziprecruiter, LinkedIn and Glassdoor are a few of the most popular boards used by job-hunters.
  3. Word-of-Mouth - While actively recruiting online plays a huge role in attracting the best candidates, it should be used in conjunction with word-of-mouth networking. Offering your team a referral bonus is a great way to connect with qualified candidates.
  4. Website Optimized for Mobile - You are missing out on many talented applicants if your website and job postings are not optimized for mobile use. According to, as of 2016, 78% of millennials and 73% of Gen-Xers used mobile devices to find jobs.
  5. Company Culture - Nobody wants to work at a place where it is all work and no play. What makes your culture stand out from the rest? Do you have monthly fun events where co-workers can hang out and get to know each other on a more personal level (happy hour, cook outs, holiday parties, etc)? Whatever it may be, tell people why it is so great to work there.
  6. Benefits - Highlighting your employee benefits is key when aiming to attract the best candidates. Again, why should someone come work for you? Do you offer solid retirement plans, health insurance or vacation time? Do you allow your technicians to take their trucks home? Can they start their route from home?
  7. Job Description - Last but not least, you don’t want to waste your time reviewing applications of people who just flat out aren’t a good fit for the position. While you can’t completely prevent this from happening, you can cut a lot of those people out by making sure the job description is clear and accurate. Tell people exactly what the job entails. 


Now that you have a better understanding of what people are looking for in an employer, as well as how to attract the best candidates, you can head back to the drawing board and make some necessary changes to your recruitment strategy.  

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